miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2015

Adjectives to describe specific feelings

The following picture will teach you a great range of adjectives, very helpful to describe specific feelings. Have a look at it and be ready to use them in your written and spoken English ;)

jueves, 19 de febrero de 2015

FOOD - Countable & Uncountable nouns

This is a topic that I particularly like because I enjoy teaching countable & uncountable nouns with several games that help students understand their differences.

There are some uncountable food words that are considered countable for spanish speakers, and the other way round, too, for instance, they consider cheese as a countable noun because they are used to seeing it as a circular portion, as in the picture below:

However, in English it is an uncountable noun.

With the links that follow you will understand the differences between both types of nouns easier:

martes, 17 de febrero de 2015


You will be an expert in using the passive voice in English after reading the following information:






Becas FULBRIGHT - Sesión informativa en Universidad de Salamanca

El jueves 19 de febrero a las 12,30 h. habrá una sesión informativa sobre las BECAS FULBRIGHT en la Sala Francisco Vitoria del Edificio Histórico de la Universidad de Salamanca.

Estas becas están destinadas a titulados superiores que quieran realizar estudios de Máster de 2 años en EEUU;  incluyen costes de matrícula, viaje, compra de libros y materiales, manutención, seguro médico y de accidentes y un conjunto de servicios de apoyo muy interesantes para el becario.

Aquí podéis encontrar más información sobre la convocatoria que estará abierta hasta el 16 de marzo: http://fulbright.es/convocatorias/ver/1453/ampliacion-de-estudios/2016-2017n

English Song Lyrics - Miserable? - An interesting article for you to read

Yesterday it was published on the Daily Mail an interesting article about English song lyrics:

  "Why English language pop music will leave you BLUE: Song lyrics are among most miserable forms of writing in the WORLD"

You can read it on this link and tell me about your impressions by leaving a comment below ;)



I previously posted information and activities about irregular verbs. In this case, I'm posting about the past simple tense, regarding regular as well as irregular verbs.

With this post, I want you to know about this particular tense (structure, main uses, etc) in order to use it correctly.








The last three links are pdf documents with lots of written exercises that you can download and complete.

Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE)

Most of my students who recently passed the FCE are now interested in preparing for the Advanced exam (CAE).

I provide all of you with a great range of websites that can help you feel really prepared for this test:






miércoles, 11 de febrero de 2015

Cambridge or Trinity Certificate?

I have recently been asked by several students about Cambridge and Trinity certificates. They weren't sure about which to take; some of them told me they had been told that the Trinity exam is easier than the Cambridge one, but that is not true at all. Depending on your main goal, you will take one or the other.

In order to clarify the differences and similarities between both certificates, I'm posting various websites where you can find more detailed information.





Cambridge English: First (FCE)

In order to help you prepare for the FCE exam, I'm posting here a huge range of resources where you will find very important and interesting information about the test, as well as sample papers that can give you an idea of what the test is about.






I use all these resources for my classes and I can assure you that they are very helpful.

domingo, 8 de febrero de 2015

Comparative & Superlative adjectives

This is a grammatical feature in English that I particularly love since I was a kid. My primary English teacher taught it to me in such a dynamic and motivating way that it turned out to be one of my favourite topics. Nowadays, I tend to do the same with my students.

In future posts, I will upload hundreds of games that I have been creating during my eleven years of experience as an EFL teacher; there are a lot of them about compartive and superlative adjectives. Meanwhile, I include in this post an explanation about the formation of these adjectives, as well as great exercises to put them into practice.





Apps and resources for language teaching

This is a very interesting post taken from the blog https://laticoteca.wordpress.com where you can read and learn about different tools, applications or websites that can help you to teach your classes in a more efficient and interesting way for your pupils. Have a look at it because it's worth it ;)


Best wishes,


jueves, 5 de febrero de 2015


The future tense normally confuses students because in English it can be expressed in many different ways, depending on the sense of what we are talking about (a promise, a timetable, a prediction, etc).

In the following websites, you will find wonderful explanations as well as great activities to practice the different ways of using the future in English:





Enjoy them! ;)

martes, 3 de febrero de 2015


Remind is a new application that offers teachers a free, safe and simple way to instantly text students and parents. You can find all the information concerning this app in the following website:


As a teacher, I particularly don't like these types of things because students lose their sense of responsability regarding homework or studying lessons. However, it is interesting from the teaching/learning process point of view.

Hope you enjoy reading about it ;)

lunes, 2 de febrero de 2015

Becas para aprender inglés

A continuación, encontraréis una pequeña selección de información sobre becas para estudiar inglés en el extranjero, o bien, programas y cursos para disfrutar de inmersión completa en inglés.

Esta es la que corresponde a las ofrecidas por el Ministerio de Educación:


En esta página web, veréis una gran selección de becas, ofrecidas por numerosas organizaciones y fundaciones:


La Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (UIMP) ofrece cursos de inmersión total en inglés tanto a estudiantes becados por el ministerio como a nuevo profesorado que quiera potenciar las distintas destrezas del inglés:


En el Departamento de Cursos Internacionales de la Universidad de Salamanca también ofrecemos cursos de inmersión en lengua inglesa, que se desarrollan en los meses de verano. Llevo impartiendo estos cursos desde el año 2008 y son una muy buena oportunidad para aprender y/o perfeccionar el inglés a través de actividades y juegos muy dinámicos, para que los alumnos afiancen sus conocimientos del idioma de una manera muy motivadora. Toda la información relativa a estos cursos, podéis encontrarla aquí:



Un saludo